If you want to be involved in the TAAFI storyboard workshop and want to work with my girl and light switch characters, here is an outline for a story I wrote:John K Stuff: CALLING ALL GIRLS-THE HEARTACHES pilotMost of it is already storyboarded:JohnKCartoonStories: The Heartaches PilotTHE ENDING ISN'T STORYBOARDED YET.HERE IS THE PART THAT HASN'T BEEN STORYBOARDED YET:CFP is found CFP decides

The Story Process Step by Step

KNOW THE CHARACTERSThis is very important. Know their personalities and how to draw them.The stories and gags you come up with should take advantage of their specific personalities and quirks. Not every gag works for every character.COME UP WITH A FUNNY SITUATIONThis is the starting point for a story; just come up with an idea. If it sparks many more gags it's worth developing further.WRITE A

Happy Father's Day

I made a cartoon once based on the first fan letter we got for Ren and Stimpy. It was from a kid named Anthony.So I featured my Dad in the cartoon playing Anthony's father. I used scenes and images that were etched in my brain from being reared by a man who believed in rules and discipline.This is how I saw him when I came home from school one day all happy, whistling a Frank Sinatra tune and

The Most Beautiful Girl in Cartoons

These gorgeous close ups are from "Fort Better Or Worser", a hilarious cartoon from 1935.My guess is they are drawn by Roland Crandall because they look a lot like the drawings and animation in Betty Boop's "Snow White". -but I could be wrong.I just love this style. When I think of what makes the Fleischers unique it's this kind of look. It's more like the comic strips than what was becoming


I love these detailed faces they did in Fleischer cartoons in the 30s.These are from 1936.The cartoon credits Seymour Kneitel and Roland Crandall as animators.I'm not sure who did this scene but it's Jim dandy.This set below is full of animation genius. It's a must for every serious funny cartoonist.POPEYE VOLUME 1 1933- 1938

Stussy Around The World

EUROPEJAPAN CLICK BELOW: 2012 SUMMER コレクションから、カナダ生まれのアニメーター “John K” をフィーチャー。2012サマーコレクションには、John K.とのコラボレーションによるTシャツシリーズが登場。 リリースを記念して制作されたアニメCMは、1991年当時の「Ren & Stimpy」でもよく見られたレトロな番組内CMを彷彿させる内容に仕上がっている。

Stussy Puts the Violence Back Into Cartoons!

Hey I drew some more shirt designs for Stussy and the brilliant and innovative art director, Adam Jay Weissman asked me to make a cartoon to advertise it. Rather than just do a pure ad, I asked if I could make a little story and embed the ad in it. He said ok so here it is:SEE THE CARTOON HEREBEHIND THE SCENES SECRETS:I Drew the storyboards with ball point pen on a crappy newsprint
