Best Of Opposing Poses

One character's pose is dominant. The other characters' poses react to it.The characters' poses create interesting negative spaces between them.One Character Opposed to a GroupMargaret is dominant character. Other kids are together a separate element. Within that element, Tommy has dominant pose with strongest line of action-directed at Margaret.BACKGROUNDS FRAME THE POSESEven the backgrounds and

Eisenberg Studies

I like how Eisenberg controls all his shapes and spaces to make clear readable and appealing poses. He is an extremely clever cartoonist and I am slowly learning some of his techniques.and here is an old Flintstone sketch I found.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Everyone should be raised by a real man (and real woman).

I Still Can't Believe It

I don't watch much TV but I keep seeing these guys plastered all over every magazine in the world and can't figure out why they are famous. By the 'tudes on their faces, you'd swear they are being passed off as being handsome or cool or something. Does anyone actually think that? Is media that powerful that it can completely make your natural sensory abilities invert?Pete Emslie sent me his wish

The Mouth Area

In reality, the mouth area seems monstrously complicated. All the details flow in and out of each other and are intricately connected.It's a far cry from the TV style "realistic" flat floating mouths. Whatever is appealing about real life is totally lost when translated into animation.Anime mouths go out of their way to exist completely independently of the heads they are supposed to be part of,

Dick Briefer Frankenstein Comics Reprinted

No More Need For Eyes

Someone should make a documentary detailing the decision making process in one of these filmswords failmaybe this will make up for it

Crystal Studies

these are my cartooned versions of what I like about Kirby's Crystal character.

Monkeying With Color

Preston Blair Red Hot Riding Stock Girl

My friend Jill sent me these frame grabs she made from Tex Avery's "Wild and Wolfy:.I wonder why there aren't more animated sexy girls?It seems like such a natural thing for cartoons.Of course it isn't easy to do.

Some Basil Wolverton

One of the most imaginative cartoonists ever.

"Phone Doodles"

These aren't literally "phone" doodles, because you can't really draw while on the phone anymore, since phones are not designed to fit human heads in this advanced age of technology. It's up to our heads to evolve into cubes and our mouths to migrate to the same side as an ear to catch up with the advanced modern phone design.I still call them phone doodles though because they are made

more Arnold

I find it easier to caricature someone after I have done blander more "realistic" studies.Boy, anatomy is filled with so many mysteries. I think someone would have to spend full time studying for a few years before beginning to understand how everything fits together. Otherwise, you end up just drawing superficial copies, like what I'm doing. Little by little some stuff starts to make sense, but

Good Direction VS Turning The Furnace On and Off

WATCH THIS SEQUENCE OF FOGHORN ESCAPING DOGI had thought that because this was such a frenetic sequence, there must be a lot of scene cuts in it. It turns out there are only 3.A lot of story information is conveyed in the short sequence, and McKimson uses all the animation and film tools available to him. He doesn't use the same tool to tell each story point. He varies them and coordinates them

Arnold Studies

Here's someone who actually has accomplished things-and is a real character on top of it.I'm really starting to wonder how trying to draw realistically can help cartooning. The closer I study what things really look like, the more I realize how much more complex reality is than cartoons. That probably sounds obvious.Some things just can't be captured in line alone, for one thing.I have been


Hans Bacher did a series of posts on trees and I pulled some of my favorites.ALl these have not only stylish and personal finishes, but bold and distinct form under the details.MORE TREES AND ANALYSIS BY HANS

Most Beautifuls Of All

To become rich and famous, you need good looks, taste, fashion sense, style and/or talent...right?Do your clothes need to fit?Standards may have changed in the last half century.Here is who we look up to today. Are they more interesting than your neighbors?Alfred E. Neuman grew up.I'm including crappy drawings to show that some people are so ugly that it's hard to make them weirder looking than

a picture

I did this for a friend. ...still struggling with Illustrator

Beautiful People 33

McKimson's Direction Toolbox

WATCH THIS SEQUENCE OF FOGHORN ESCAPING DOGI always liked the way this sequence flowed, so I thought I'd see how it was directed by analyzing it. It turns out to be different than how I expected.I'll give you my thoughts later.

Hans Bacher Has Good Taste

These are all from Hans Bacher's site:Great layoutskiller cartooning and draftsmanshipGreat colorNasty colorI remember this character from when I was a kid living in Germany.Fun cartooning in odd stylesCal Arts origins.From Sullivant toKen AndersonMilt KahlLOTS MORE GREAT ART HERE

Crazy Cute

I love when Scribner draws cute characters. They are reaaaallly cute - but kind of crazed too. It's like he's making fun of cuteness but at the same time likes it. he's torn - as am I.This frame is genius!___________________I have a theory about how Scribner evolved this jittery cluttered style.The action in much of his work after Clampett happens within very confined spaces.When he animated for

Scribner Eye Theories

Crazy Koolaid Kid

Traumatic Reactions To Sugar Deficiencies

A Change Of Pace

I didn't wanna wear you out with all that crazy cartoony stuff so thought I'd take a left turn and show some killer Alex Toth comic book work.I'm not that big on "realistic" comics in general but I do admire skill when I see it. This stuff really wows me.Toth is not as splashy as some of the superhero comic artists and his style is more subtle.He draws like a sonuvabitch though and I'd love to

Pure Cartoon Genius

Scribner is that rare combination of great animator and cartoonist.This looks like a Johnny Hart expression!

Rod Scribner Sneaks Entertainment Value into a Koolaid Commercial

By the 1960s, most animation - even animation done by the classic animators - had gotten very conservative. Even squash and stretch eventually became "too cartoony".Here's Rod Scribner going completely against the style of the times and I don't know how he got away with it.I'm guessing that Tex Avery must have directed this and just let Rod have fun with it.Rod sure wasn't inhibited by the 60s


a crazy-ass Bugs and Elmer Koolaid commercial

Cartooning Pretty Faces

It's harder to cartoon faces that aren't funny looking to begin with, but I'm trying it to see if I can then design some girl characters that aren't stock animation designs. There seems to be only a couple approved ways to design pretty girls in animation even though in real life there are countless pretty faces that all look different.SOME JINKS GAGS

Beautiful People 31


The Entertainment Value Of Movement

One thing you see a lot of in cartoons from the 1930s and 40s is movement that is entertaining for its own sake.You can tell this animator had fun making this cat shadow box. The still drawings don't really convey the movement.Clampett encouraged his animators to make every bit of their work move in a fun way. He figured it was "animation" and that was the main thing audience watched cartoons for

Tricky Angles

Teeny Tinykins

These are some of the best mouth theories I have seen on toys.Some pretty appealing eyes too.We used to get these toys for free in Colgate toothpaste and Lipton's Tea. The tea would stain your teeth and the toothpaste would clean the stains. These tiny little toys would reward the never ending cycle of tooth destruction and renewal.They also sometimes sold huge bags stuffed full of Teeny Tinykins